Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I was triggered: It was good!

I was sitting in a meeting with my teammates on a new project. Someone expressed the view that if all that we accomplished was for our target audience to "tweak" an aspect of what they were doing, that would be progress.

My heart started to race. Something was welling up from inside of me. "Tweak? We are going to be satisfied with "tweaking"? We are going to invest all this money and brainpower and be satisfied with "tweaking?" My outburst completed, I took a deep breath and sat back. 

I love this team I am on and as we continued to talk, no, none of us will be satisfied with tweaking. 

But here is the important bit: I tapped into my own passion. I was reminded of how much I care about making a difference. I reconnected to my guidepost that my work be meaningful. How I spend my time matters. That energy carried me through the rest of the day. 

This is what I love about being in relationship with others. It opens me up. It connects me to what is real. What is here. What is possible. 


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