Thursday, July 26, 2012

Authentic Facade

One of the saddest things a client said to me recenty is that he has learned how to put on an authentic facade. 

It used to be his superpower. 
He listened to people. Intently.

People felt heard and valued by him.  

Then the to-do list grew. Then he had more people reporting to him. Then every encounter fet like an intrusion and an interruption. 

He is one of the lucky ones though. He knows it is a facade. He doesn't like it. 

He is working on saying no to things that don't need his attention. He is working on constructive self-talk:

Be Here Now

This conversation can make a difference

Who knows what will be possible if I can make a real connection?

How about you?

What is the facade you have erected? 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Who Is Showing Up At Your Meetings?

In trying to make sense of a recent encounter that a strong voice in me wants to label ‘failure’, I came to understand a particular internal dynamic between multiple parts of myself.  I have learned a lot and it has enabled me to move forward. One of my core beliefs is that we encounter the world through relationship including the relationship to ourselves. I hope you will find relevance here.


I can best let you in on my internal dynamic by personifying parts of myself. So let me tell you the story of Pearl, Miss Pearl and Mrs P.

Pearl sent an email to a woman she had just met at a conference. There was a wonderful synergy between them. It seemed as if Pearl’s approach to systems coaching was a valuable compliment to the strategy and branding work of her new contact.  Pearl was thrilled to be able to set up a meeting to talk more about working together.

As the meeting approached, Pearl found herself apprehensive but she wouldn’t let herself dwell on it too much. On the afternoon of the meeting, as Pearl started to get dressed, an odd thing happened. Pearl a 50+ year old woman with a warm smile and peaceful demeanor slipped out of view. In her place, Miss Pearl- an insecure 16 year old took over. Miss Pearl was totally focused on the externals. She dressed in her favorite white skirt and flowing purple vest. She took advantage of Pearl’s silence and put on some lipstick. She drove downtown blasting the radio anticipating a fun little walk around Soho before the meeting. She indulged her curiosity and went into the Apple store. Finally she showed up at Nespresso- an upscale European coffee “boutique”. As she waited for her contact to show up, Miss Pearl began to feel nervous.


“What am I doing here? Where is Pearl? I don’t know how to run this meeting. What am I supposed to say?”

This anxious self-doubt permeated the meeting. Miss Pearl talked too much. She didn’t ever really re-establish the solid connection that had originally been made. She stumbled on her words and couldn’t hold on to what she was hearing. Meanwhile- Pearl was starting to stir and take note of what was happening. Pearl knew what to do. If she had enough strength to take over she would have been honest and said something like,

“Can we start over? I just realized that I was really nervous about meeting you and I am afraid I haven’t made a very good impression. Let’s talk about what we each want to get out of this conversation and we can go from there.”

But Pearl buried her head in her hands and let poor Miss Pearl handle this alone. Somehow, Miss Pearl managed to say goodbye and get to her car. That is when Mrs. P showed up. Mrs. P wore her hair back in a stern bun, no nonsense shoes and a booming voice to match. Mrs. P was not pleased.

“Miss Pearl, what is wrong with you? I am so disappointed in you. You just squandered an incredible opportunity. Where was your passion? Your eloquence? Your capacity to connect? You are way out of your league!”


No Kidding.

When Pearl finally re-emerged, (and changed out of Miss Pearl’s clothes) she felt the full weight of her choice to disappear. She apologized to Miss Pearl.

“Honey, I am so sorry to have sent you out to that meeting. I chickened out and sent you instead. Of course you felt anxious! I never should have left you so exposed.”

Then Pearl needed to forgive herself. She needed to forgive herself for the fear that overtook her and the abdication that allowed her to send Miss Pearl into a world beyond her.

It was only then that Pearl was able to take a deep breath. She saw that her fears were normal. And at the same time they were a signal. If she would have allowed herself to sit with those fears for even a short while, she might have realized how to prepare for her meeting.

From now on, Miss Pearl stays home (although she might be allowed to put lipstick on Pearl occasionally!) and Pearl reconnects to the person she is at her core- One who is innately curious about others, who is willing to be vulnerable and transparent, and who cares about how people work together in organizations.




Thursday, July 12, 2012

Expect Respect

My son will be starting as a freshmen at the University of Michigan this fall. At his orientation, he was given this pin...



It was attached to a bookmark with a pledge:

I will foster an environment that values our similarities and our differences

I realize there are perspectives other than my own

I will strive to be honest and respectful in all my interactions and will presume good will

I will honor this committment in my classes, my personal life, and all other pursuits on and off campus. 

I will invite others to embrace this message. 


What if every employer required their people from the C-Suite down to pledge this and wear this pin? 

We all might be a little healthier!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I was triggered: It was good!

I was sitting in a meeting with my teammates on a new project. Someone expressed the view that if all that we accomplished was for our target audience to "tweak" an aspect of what they were doing, that would be progress.

My heart started to race. Something was welling up from inside of me. "Tweak? We are going to be satisfied with "tweaking"? We are going to invest all this money and brainpower and be satisfied with "tweaking?" My outburst completed, I took a deep breath and sat back. 

I love this team I am on and as we continued to talk, no, none of us will be satisfied with tweaking. 

But here is the important bit: I tapped into my own passion. I was reminded of how much I care about making a difference. I reconnected to my guidepost that my work be meaningful. How I spend my time matters. That energy carried me through the rest of the day. 

This is what I love about being in relationship with others. It opens me up. It connects me to what is real. What is here. What is possible. 


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Silo Busting--A New Olympic Sport? Should be!


This is one way you know that silos are a problem.

There are also the roadblocks you run into when you can't get the information you need. When your peer on the senior managment team tells you he will absolutely support you and then your direct reports say his people are stonewalling. 

And what about when two departments (in the same organization) are competing to get the same dollars or own the same project. 

And last but far from least there is the battle of the priorities. Who's agenda gets to the top of the list?


Who needs to fix this?


Name it.

Name the consequences of it.

Offer to be part of the solution. 

Find the places of alignment. -What are your common interests?

Empower the leader to take this on -in public. 


[If you need an intervention in your organization to make this happen email me about RSI@Work. It is an outstanding silo buster and builds the skills your managers need to find alignment.]