© 2003 The New Yorker Collection from cartoonbank.com. All Rights Reserved
Do you ever stop to notice when you are succeeding? Really, isn't it so much more common for us to label failure? We are quick to point out failures in others and most of us are entirely too attentive to our own internal critic. Success on the other hand is a little harder to define. For me, success was a little like the fur coat hanging in my mother's closet. It was luscious to touch and look at but when I put it on, it never felt quite right.
I recently had the opportunity to explore messages about success that I have assimilated over the years, and craft my own compelling definition. Here are just a handful of the many versions of success which were competing for my attention:
public recognition
meeting expectations
material reward
being unique
having choices
unwavering commitment
Together with 6 other people connected via a telephone line, we played the Success & Me Game™. We had three luxurious hours to reflect, analyze our responses, and choose resonant paths. The game was skillfully designed to enable 6-10 strangers to trust each other, and help each other to think deeply about-- and ultimately to articulate and celebrate-- our personal paths to success. Even for a coach, this game was a real jump start to my metabolism. My fellow players really forced me to stretch my thinking and to see myself in a new light. The game helped me to capture the deep qualities of who I want to be in the world and stay focused on the bottom line concrete issues like how much money do I really need to make?
This game works on so many levels. My game partners included people who were starting new careers, transitioning to new stages of life, planning for retirement and dreaming big about making a difference in the world. I was so taken with the process that I have established a partnership with the game's creator, Nina Ham, and I am now offering this experience to you. My website has more information about how to sign up for a game. You can also assemble your own group of friends or colleagues for a game designed just for you. If you are in NY, NJ or CT I am happy to run the game at a location you choose.
My emerging definition of success involves my capacity to give to others. 10% of the proceeds from all games played will always be donated to a good cause. Check my website to see which organization will benefit and if you organize your own game, you can name the charity of your choice!
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